Client Spotlight  - Casa de Kreeft!

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier July 11, 2016

Our next Client Spotlight is on Amanda Kreeft and her Casa de Kreeft! Amanda serves the Portland, OR area and her business is built around treating her clients’ pets just like her own! Sporting a flawless reputation on Yelp — Amanda’s clients use words like “Amazing”, “Fantastic”, and “ROCKSTAR” to describe the services she provides! Be sure to like Casa de Kreeft on Facebook and if you are in need of pet care in the Portland area — be sure to reach out!

What caused you to get into pet sitting?

I’ve worked with pets and their owners since 12 from working/managing a show dog kennel. Everyone always said I should do it full time and I helped others get started however I thought the market must be over-saturated in Portland and was unsure I could making enough to support myself as a single woman. I was between jobs so decided to try going full-time as it seemed we were always boarding an extra dog or two already!

What is the most fulfilling part of owning a pet sitting business?

The simplifying I can provide to clients in just one small part of their lives while I receive so much love and appreciation in return. It really feels like I now have a growing extended family.

What is the most challenging?

Learning to set personal time aside.

Where do you see your business in 5 years?

Good question as I’m so much further than I expected to be in just the last year. I know a good portion of my growth was accomplished through TTP. It has simplified things for myself and my clients tremendously and I started with it right away when I went full time so there were no true learning curves for anyone as it was all they knew. I’m excited to see my continued growth. Maybe I will even have an employee or two.

What has Time To Pet changed the most about how you run your business?

The fluidity of it. It creates a seamless transaction from beginning to end. It can easily see my growth as a professional which helps me feel accomplished and pushes me further. I love how it saves me time and stress and when I schedule it creates an invoice and when someone pays online it automatically applies it and creates loads of reports for me. Since so much self populates I have MUCH less work to do on the administrative side lowering my level of stress. My clients are always telling me how easy the system is to use and how much they LOVE it.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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