Client Spotlight - Four Footed Fitness LLC

Josh Winer
Josh Winer February 27, 2020


For this client Spotlight, we are super excited to feature Glenda Weil and Four Footed Fitness LLC  in Oro Valley, Arizona! Glenda and her team provide professional, loving pet care with a special emphasis on fitness, nutrition, and health—the entire team is also pet first aid, CPR, and safety certified! Four Footed Fitness LLC offers dog walking, dog running, pet sitting, customized exercise programs for pets, and much more! From her own experiences, Glenda knows that a well-loved and well-exercised pet is a happy pet!

At an early age, Glenda realized that she loved being around animals and having pets. Some of her beloved pets have included: dogs, cats, turtles, lizards, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds, hermit crabs, and fish. Once she decided that working in an office wasn’t the right fit for her, Glenda focused her attention on creating her own business. She combined her love of pets and fitness to create a pet care company focused on providing the best quality of life for her customers and their beloved companions! It’s obvious that customers love Four Footed Fitness LLC—just read some of these great reviews!

If you are looking for incredible dog walking, dog running, or pet sitting in the Oro Valley and Northwestern Tucson area, make sure to give Glenda and her team a call! Find out more information on the Four Footed Fitness LLC Website and make sure to like and follow them on Facebook!


Why did you get into pet sitting/dog walking?

I have always been passionate about animals and exercise. Knowing how important exercise is in my own life, it was clear that exercise is just as vital for our pets to keep them mentally and physically stimulated, healthy, and happy. Working in an office all day never seemed to be the right fit for me. I would take any lunchtime opportunity to head home and take my dogs out for some exercise, playtime, and fresh air. It occurred to me that every dog owner who worked in an office all day would likely have the same desire; hence Four Footed Fitness LLC was born. Taking what was the most joyful part of my day and turning it into a lucrative business is a dream come true!

What is the most fulfilling part of owning a pet sitting/dog walking business?

The deep connection with the pets in our care and the positive impact our time and attention has on them. We work with a lot of rescue animals, some of which have been abused or neglected earlier in life. These animals can be very slow to trust and require a great deal of patience and understanding. When we do eventually help them learn to open their hearts again and trust us, it is incredibly rewarding. Knowing the time and energy we spent has made such a difference in enriching the quality of that animal’s life is exceedingly gratifying.

What is the most challenging?

The most challenging thing is finding the right people to hire. There is no shortage of animal lovers out there, but finding animal lovers who are fit, active, intuitive, resourceful, and available to work often unusual or quirky hours is a great deal more challenging. I am also very selective in who I hire to join my team.

Most people do not realize how physically demanding this job can be until they give it a try, and many are only cut out to do it for the short term. A large number of the dogs we walk are not easy walkers and require a great deal of strength, stability, and skill to manage them comfortably and safely on a leash. In addition, the endless range of animal temperaments we encounter requires an individual who is skilled at deciphering animal behaviors and providing what each animal needs in a variety of changing situations. Although I am very grateful for my wonderful team and hope they stay with me for a long time to come, I do always seem to be in search of high-quality people to help Four Footed Fitness LLC as we continue to grow.


Where do you see your business in 5 years?

We will continue to grow and keep doing what we are passionate about, providing high-quality care to all of our clients (four footed and two footed) while helping to increase the quality of life for all. I hope to add to my team and expand our service area so we can offer our services to a greater number of clients in our community.

What has TTP changed the most about how you run your business?

TTP has helped me to discover the joy again in running my business and achieving a greater work/family life balance. Anyone who has owned a thriving pet sitting/dog walking business knows that it can very quickly take on a life of its own. Our services are offered 365 days a year, ranging from 5am until 9pm on any given day, making it difficult to set boundaries and carve out personal/family time.

When I made the switch to TTP it gave me the freedom to see what was happening in my business without having to always be an active part of it. The client to staff conversations are visible to me but no longer require me to be directly involved in them throughout the day, freeing up time to do other things. Clients have direct access to their house and pet care details and can make changes on their own when it's convenient for them. Scheduling and invoicing are all connected, freeing up more time from administrative tasks.

TTP is an amazing software that allows you to be in complete control of your business while simultaneously giving you the freedom to let go of the most time-consuming tasks. The TTP team continues to add enhancements and updates that are user-friendly and make my job so much easier and more enjoyable. Their work ethic and high level of integrity appear to match mine, making our partnership a perfect fit.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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