Friday Feature Focus - Auto After Hours Fees

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier December 29, 2017

We all know that pet sitting is not a 9 to 5 job. You can almost count on having to work some nights and weekends when you start your business. We highlighted our automated Weekend Fees a few weeks back and today we will be talking about Auto After Hours fees in Time To Pet!

The Auto After Hours fee feature works very similar to the Auto Weekend fee feature. It is what we like to call a "set it and forget it" type of feature. You can enable auto after hours fees by editing a service in the Services List.

After editing a service, just look for the "Auto Fees" tab on the top of the screen. You'll be looking for the first option here called "After Hours Enabled?"

After enabling this feature, you will see a tool that allows you to set your normal business hours. Adjust this to reflect the times where you are normally working and not charging any after hours fees. All visits that have a start time outside of your normal hours will have the fee applied to them.

The next field allows you to set the fee you will be charging your client (in addition to the normal service fees). This can be a flat dollar amount (like $5) or a percentage (like 10% of the normal service fee). You can also choose how much you pay your staff here. Again --- this can be a flat dollar amount or a percentage.

After setting your After Hours fee, every time you schedule this type of service outside of normal business hours, the event will automatically have the fee added. Just a heads up --- you can always manually remove the fee be editing the event.

Have a great (and safe!) New Years weekend!

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