Friday Feature Focus - Client Tasks

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier April 7, 2017

One of the most challenging parts of running a successful business is remembering all of the small details. Does John Doe want you to confirm a week before his trip? Do you need to double check Susan Smith's schedule events next Monday? Do you need to grab a dozen rolls of poop bags at the store tomorrow?

These things you have to remember may be floating around in your head, they may be listed in a notebook you take with you everywhere or they be written on sticky notes posted everywhere in your office. There has got to be a better way, right?

In Time To Pet --- their most certainly is! Our Tasks feature allows you to create assignable tasks or reminders that are complete with a detailed description. You can also assign a task directly to a client and/or directly to another admin or office manager.

Tasks can come in two flavors --- one that is assigned to a client and one that is not. This week --- we will focus on Tasks associated with a client (be sure to check in next Friday to see tasks that are not assigned to any clients). To assign a task to a client, navigate to the Client's Profile and select the "Add Task" button right beneath their name.

Time To Pet will ask you who this should be assigned to (you can leave it assigned to Any Admins/Office Managers if you'd like), what the description is and whether or not you want to add a due date.

After saving your task --- you will see it listed on the top of the Client Profile. Keep in mind that tasks are automatically sorted based on their due date and bell icon will be colored based on how soon that due date is. Tasks that are past due will be red, due today will be orange and due in the future or without a due date will be blue.

You can complete your task right from the Client's Profile by clicking on it and then selecting "Complete".

You can also view all Tasks by clicking the Task Icon in the dashboard (it looks like a bell). You can click the task from here and it will take you right to your Client's Profile!

Now remembering shouldn't be so hard! Be sure to check out our help article on Tasks for more info and stay tuned for next week's Friday Feature Focus on Tasks that are not associated with Clients and the Daily Task Email!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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