Friday Feature Focus - Custom Invoice Date/Due Date

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk August 26, 2016

Each and every pet sitting or dog walking business operates a little differently. One of these differences is payment terms. Some companies require payment before services begin, some require payment by the date of the last event and some give their clients 7 days after their last visit to pay. As with everything we do here at Time To Pet — it’s our goal to make our clients job simpler and save them as much time as possible. Changing the Invoice Date or the Invoice Due Date on every single invoice is not a time saver. It’s a tedious step in the process that should be automated. And you guessed it — that’s what we’ve done with Custom Invoice Date/Due Dates!

No matter what your payment policy is for your clients — you can customize Time To Pet to create a rule that works for you. You can adjust the rules for your Invoice Dates and Invoice Due Dates in Invoice Settings. The two fields we will be adjusting is the Invoice Due Date and Invoice Date fields.

The Invoice Due Date is the date the invoice is due and the Invoice Date is the date of the invoice (used for accounting purposes). If you want Invoices to be due the day of the first event — you can set the Invoice Due Date field to “On Date of First Service”. The other options include:

  • X number of days before first service
  • On day of last service
  • X number of days after last service
  • A specified day of next month (like 1st of next month)
  • The creation date of the invoice

After setting these rules — all future invoices will have their date and due date set automatically!

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