Friday Feature Focus  - Custom Messaging

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk September 30, 2016

When it comes to pet sitting companies --- we know that no two businesses are the same. A "one size fits all" approach to customer communications just doesn't work. That's why we've built Custom Messaging. This feature allows you to customize some of the communication that goes from Time To Pet to your clients. Want to make your Welcome Email more personable? Not a problem! Need to add your billing instructions to your Invoice Email? We can do that!

All of the custom messaging can be found in the Language Communication Settings section of Time To Pet. There are six types of messages that can be customized. Three of these are emails and three are website notifications.

The customizable emails include your "Client Services Confirmation" email (this is the email sent out when you are confirming events), your "Client Welcome Email" (the email sent when you are adding a new client to Time To Pet) and the "Client Invoice" email (the email that includes your client's invoice).

The customizables messages include "Portal Client Creates Own Account" (which is the message shown to new clients after they submit your new client form), "Service Change Request" (the message your clients see when they are making a service change request) and the "Portal Service Request Cut-Off" (if you have enforced Portal Cut-Off times).

To adjust one of these messages --- simply navigate to the Language Communication Settings section, select a message, make your changes and save! Now every time this message is sent to a client --- they will see your custom messaging!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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