Friday Feature Focus — Manage Vets

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier July 22, 2016

For a pet sitter — one of the hardest and most trying things we can face is a medical emergency for an animal under our care. This is something no pet sitter ever wants to experience but if you do the job long enough — you’re bound to. Whether Fido got stung by a bee or Spike got into some chocolate ice cream left in the trash — a medical emergency is one of the times that a highly trained pet sitter stays cool and jumps into action.

After calling the owners and explaining the situation, the next call is usually to the emergency Vet listed. But what happens when you call the number and get the pizza place? I can tell you that you’re not ordering a calzone and you are probably starting to lose your cool too.

Because of this exact scenario — Time To Pet has created a system where you take the onus of adding accurate Vet information off of your clients. In our system, you can add all of the local Veterinarians in your area. After you have added your local Veterinarians, clients can simply select which Vet they use. They can choose a secondary Vet as well! That means you always have accurate information.

To add your local Veterinarians, the first step is to navigate to the Manage Vets section. You can add a new Vet by clicking the “+ New Vet” button. Be sure to add as much detail about the Vet as you can and save the changes:

After you have added your local Vets, your clients can select which Vet they use right from their Client Portal. In the Pets tab, they can Edit their pet (or when they add a new pet) and select the Vet:

You can add Vets for your clients from their Client Profile page as well! While adding Vets for your clients might take some extra time — your future self will be thanking you next time you are in a medical emergency.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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