Friday Feature Focus - Segmenting

Michael Grenier
Michael Grenier September 8, 2017

For any business that is interested in growing quickly, it's important to have a firm grasp on your numbers. Making strong, data-driven decisions is something we pride ourselves on here at Time To Pet and it's something we want to make easy for our customers. One of the ways we do this is with our "Segmenting" feature. Segmenting allows you to run reports based on specific fields in your Time To Pet account. Essentially, it allows you to "segment" your reports based on whatever data you;d like to. Want to know what zip code brings the most revenue? Or want to see what referral source has brought the most new clients last month? Segmenting makes finding this (and lots of other data) super easy!

The fsirst step to use Segmenting in Time To Pet is to identify some fields you would like to run reports on. You can use our Custom Fields section to choose the fields you want to run segmented reports on. Just look for the "Customer Segment" check box and check it for those fields:

After selecting some fields, you can navigate right to Reporting -> Revenue to run some of these segmented reports. You'll notice that there is a drop down at the top left that says "No Segmentation".

You can select this to chose what segmented fields you want to select. For example, if you choose "How did you find us?" --- Time To Pet will allow you to segment your report based on that field. This means that you can view just revenue for customers that found you through Google.

Now click the "Generate" button above the report and Time To Pet will show you just revenue that came from clients who set Google as their referral source.

Remember that these reports can also be filtered by date ranges and can be exported to a spreadsheet as well!

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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