Introducing the Geo Schedule Tool

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk October 6, 2017

As your pet sitting or dog walking business continues to grow --- one of the hardest parts of the company becomes scheduling. More specifically --- the logistics of your events. Every minute that a staff member spends traveling from one visit to another is a minute that you are unable to bill your client for. The most efficient and profitable pet sitting businesses master the logistics of their company. They arrange their visits in the most efficient way possible to maximize the time of their staff. Today, we are extremely excited to announce a tool that will help you do just that --- Geo Schedule.

Geo Scheduling is a new way to schedule your events based on the location of your clients and can be found directly in the Daily Summary section.

geo schedule button

The Geo Schedule screen is broken down into three sections. On the far left is a list of your staff members. The middle shows a map with all of your events for the day plotted on the calendar by client location. The far right shows a list of your events.

geo schedule tool

Starting on the far left --- you can view all staff members scheduled events for the day. If you want to narrow your view down, you can de-select staff members by unchecking the checkbox next to their name. You can also see the total number of visits that are currently scheduled for that staff member that are "Out Of Area". This means that the zip code of the client is not listed in the Zip Codes served field on the Staff Profile.

geo schedule staff

The center image shows you all of your visits plotted on a map. We will also plot the home address of the staff member as well. You can click a pin and Time To Pet will highlight that visit in the list of events on the right. You can see in this screenshot that two visits seem to be out of place.

geo schedule map

The right side allows you to make edits to your events. If you click the pencil icon next to an event, you can change the assigned staff member.

geo schedule list

We've put together a short video showing exactly how the Geo Schedule tool works.

While this tool is designed primarily for larger companies that manage many staff members, it can be used by businesses of all size to streamline their logistics and get more efficient with their business.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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