Map Staff Schedule, Customizable New Client Fields and more!

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk April 16, 2016

This week brings another great set of feature releases for Time To Pet!

Map Staff Schedule

map staff schedule

Building a sitter’s schedule can be tough. Balancing your Client’s requests with your Staff’s drive time between visits is a constant juggling act. The “Map Staff Schedule” feature makes this process easier by mapping a Staff’s daily schedule on a map giving you a great visual representation of their daily visits.

“Map Staff Schedule” is now available for use under your Daily Summary. Look for the “Map Staff Schedule” button in the top right corner.

Customizable New Client Fields

Client Fields

If you allow new Clients to createtheir own accounts (see Portal Settings and our help article on Portal Settings) you can now customize which fields they are required to fill out before submitting their account request.

All of the default fields and your custom fields are available for selection in your Portal Settings to select.

Improved Email Campaign Functionality

Eamil campaign

Ever spent hours building the perfect email campaign only to realize a month later that it would be incredibly useful to re-use the existing campaign? Well now you can!

Each Campaign now has a “Duplicate” option. This will copy the email text as well as the Campaign text to a new Draft Campaign. You can then make any necessary changes before sending.

Let us know your comments or questions! We are happy to help.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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