Quick Assign Pending Visits & More Updates!

Kyle Thielk
Kyle Thielk November 20, 2015

We have two final feature announcements for you this week (see announcements from Monday and Wednesday) and some details on an update you will have already seen in your Dashboard.

Quick Assign Pending Visits

When a client requests services through the portal Time To Pet will automatically assign each visit to the Client’s preferred sitter(s) taking into account any conflicting time off requests. In most cases this means very little change if any is required to a request once it has been approved.

For those companies that frequently adjust assigned sitters we have made the process that much simpler. On the Pending Requests table you will notice a new edit icon next to the assigned sitter’s name. Clicking this icon will allow you to make quick assignment changes before approving the visit.

Time Off On Main Scheduler

By default the main scheduler will not display your sitter’s Time Off requests (the only exception being in Conflict Mode when a time off conflicts with a scheduled visit). You can now add your sitter’s time off to the scheduler using the Calendar filter’s in the top left corner.

Dashboard Streamlined

As Time To Pet has evolved and its feature set has grown the number of configuration options has grown with it. When Time To Pet was a smaller, less mature product our design placed all necessary configuration options on the same part of the website that they referenced. For example all invoice settings could be found on the Invoice’s page.

This worked for a while but for new users of Time To Pet it resulted in an ever increasing sense of confusion and the general feeling of being overwhelmed. Configuration is critical but is generally a set it and forget it proposition. When first getting used to Time To Pet and in day to day usage the configuration options detract from the core functionality.

All configuration options have now been moved from their respective places in Time To Pet to a new central Configuration page. You will notice a new link on the bottom of the sidebar labelled “Settings”. This will take you to this central Configuration page.

The “Settings” link has replaced the “Company” link. The Billing and Messages (now renamed Announcements) links that were previously found as a sub-header under the “Company” link can now be found by clicking “Welcome, Your Name” in the upper right hand corner.

We know that this is a fairly large change but believe it will result in a better overall experience for everyone.

Please don’t hesitate to send us your questions and comments.

Time To Pet is modern pet sitting software trusted by over 3,500 of the world’s most successful pet care companies. We help pet care professionals start, grow and manage their businesses.

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